Title: News: Daily Deal: Movavi Screen Capture Pro for Mac Post by: HCK on November 08, 2017, 04:05:28 pm News: Daily Deal: Movavi Screen Capture Pro for Mac
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/deals/ilounge-deals-movavi-screen-capture-pro.jpg)" /> Today in iLounge Deals, we’re offering Movavi Screen Capture Pro for only $19 — that’s 68% off the regular price. This handy app makes recording video on your Mac easier than ever, letting you capture any activity from your desktop with just a few clicks. Record software tutorials, game play, or just keep a record of what you’ve been doing on your Mac. You can choose a frame rate from as high as 60 fps or as low as 5 fps, and include… Source: News: Daily Deal: Movavi Screen Capture Pro for Mac (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/daily-deal-movavi-screen-capture-pro-for-mac) |