Title: iPhone X Diary: Putting the camera to the test, and being even more impressed Post by: HCK on November 21, 2017, 04:05:18 pm iPhone X Diary: Putting the camera to the test, and being even more impressed
<div class="feat-image">(https://9to5mac.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/00-main.jpg?quality=82&strip=all&w=1500)</div><p>I took a week off last week to get unpacked and settled into our new home. This was a time-consuming process, so I didn’t get much time to get out and about, but with a fabulous view from our new apartment, that didn’t stop me puttingĀ the iPhone X camera through its paces. You’ll just have to excuse the fact that the photos are rather lacking in variety!</p> <p>For each of the photos, I’m showing the original, straight-from-camera version as well as the edited version. And to make it true to the real-life behavior of most people, I’ve used only the stock Camera and Photos apps for both photography and edits.</p> <p>To be honest, any recent iPhone is a fantastic camera in bright sunlight, so I’m concentrating here on the real test of a camera: low-light performance …</p> <p> <a href="https://9to5mac.com/2017/11/20/iphone-x-diary-camera-review/#more-508060" class="more-link">more…[/url]</p><img alt="" border="0" src="https://pixel.wp.com/b.gif?host=9to5mac.com&blog=22754319&post=508060&subd=9to5mac&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><img alt="" border="0" src="https://pixel.wp.com/b.gif?host=9to5mac.com&blog=22754319&post=508060&subd=9to5mac&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div class="feedflare"> <img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/9To5Mac-MacAllDay?i=E-7tjH1nKBk:VSR6qVHsoJc:D7DqB2pKExk" border="0"></img> (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/9To5Mac-MacAllDay?a=E-7tjH1nKBk:VSR6qVHsoJc:D7DqB2pKExk) </div><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/9To5Mac-MacAllDay/~4/E-7tjH1nKBk" height="1" width="1" alt=""/> Source: iPhone X Diary: Putting the camera to the test, and being even more impressed (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/9To5Mac-MacAllDay/~3/E-7tjH1nKBk/) |