Title: Storyboarding for Hollywood on iPad Pro Post by: HCK on December 13, 2017, 04:05:19 pm Storyboarding for Hollywood on iPad Pro
Pacific Rim. IT. Luke Cage. Star Trek: Discovery. Some of the greatest action sequences in modern TV and movies have been storyboarded by Rob McCallum… on an iPad Pro. Prefer to listen rather than read? Hit play on the podcast version: Subscribe for more: Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Pocket Casts | Castro | RSS Links Rob McCallum: Twitter, IMDB, Web. Procreate Sponsors: MintSIM: Voice, data, and text for less. Get free first-class shipping with code VTFREESHIP. Thrifter.com: All the best deals from Amazon, Best Buy, and more, fussily curated and constantly updated. Interested in sponsoring VECTOR? Contact sponsor@mobilenations.com Transcript [background music] Rene Ritchie: I'm Rene Ritchie and this is Vector. Vector is brought to you today by Mint SIM. Mint SIM lets you pay much, much less for premium US wireless service and right now, if you buy three months, you get three months free. You can even get free first-class shipping on any Mint SI... Source: Storyboarding for Hollywood on iPad Pro (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/ZqfL0TqPpvU/storyboarding-hollywood-ipad-pro) |