Title: Apple Car rumor roundup: Project Titan and what it means! Post by: HCK on December 22, 2017, 04:05:20 pm Apple Car rumor roundup: Project Titan and what it means!
What is Project Titan, Apple's secretive car project? When will it ship, how will it work, and how much will it cost? Nobody outside Apple's upper echelon knows for sure, but here are all the rumors currently making the rounds! Project Purple was the iPhone. Gizmo was the Apple Watch. And Titan? Well, that's believed to encompass Apple's automotive ambitions — aka, the car. Just like iPhone started off as a tablet, became a phone, and then expanded to a tablet again, Apple Car will likely take a twisting, turning path to market. That's if it ever comes to market. Plenty of Apple projects, including the television set, never have. The car feels different, though. For one thing, due to regulatory issues, it's forced to be more public than most of Apple's special projects. Second, the logistical revolution is real and Apple is uniquely positioned to be one of the major players in that space. Because autonomous cars won't just be about the destination, they'll be about the... Source: Apple Car rumor roundup: Project Titan and what it means! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/XzVqQtTgOhk/apple-car) |