Title: News: Apple, Intel downplay performance cost of fixing Meltdown, Spectre vulnerabilities Post by: HCK on January 09, 2018, 04:05:24 pm News: Apple, Intel downplay performance cost of fixing Meltdown, Spectre vulnerabilities
(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/Intel_Reuters.jpg) After addressing vulnerabilities in processors that left iOS and Mac devices open to security issues nicknamed Meltdown and Spectre, Apple is now convinced than the fixes rolled out to remedy the problems will have “little to no performance impact,” Reuters reports. Apple admitted that its devices were vulnerable to exploits that “abuse speculative execution to access privileged memory —including that of the kernel — from a less-privileged… Source: News: Apple, Intel downplay performance cost of fixing Meltdown, Spectre vulnerabilities (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/apple-intel-downplay-performance-cost-of-fixing-meltdown-spectre-vulnerabil) |