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Macintosh News => iPhone/iPod/iPad News => Topic started by: HCK on January 11, 2018, 04:05:23 pm

Title: News: Daily Deal: Dashlane Password Manager, Premium Subscriptions
Post by: HCK on January 11, 2018, 04:05:23 pm
News: Daily Deal: Dashlane Password Manager, Premium Subscriptions

<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/deals/ilounge-deals-dashlane.jpg)" />

               For Wednesday’s iLounge Deal, we’re offering a premium subscription to Dashlane for only $19.98 — that’s 50% off the regular price. This secure online password manager ensures that you’ll never forget another password, with patented security architecture, accurate autofill, and an instant password generator and changer to help avoid password reuse across multiple sites. Dashlane lets you tighten up your password security…

Source: News: Daily Deal: Dashlane Password Manager, Premium Subscriptions (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/daily-deal-dashlane-password-manager-premium-subscriptions)