Title: Apps: App Diary: Dancing Line, Escape Hunt: The Lost Temple, Splitter Critters, The Catan Universe Post by: HCK on January 13, 2018, 04:05:24 pm Apps: App Diary: Dancing Line, Escape Hunt: The Lost Temple, Splitter Critters, The Catan Universe
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/apps/apps-dancing-line.jpg)" /> Dancing Line (free) — Picked as our Game of the Year for 2017, Dancing Line was the one game that on my iPhone that I’ve just kept coming back to almost daily. The premise of the game is very simple — native a zigzagging “dancing” line through a series of mazes and obstacles — yet it manages to hit all the right notes to create a very fun and engaging experience that’s almost addictive. Of course, like most games, the… Source: Apps: App Diary: Dancing Line, Escape Hunt: The Lost Temple, Splitter Critters, The Catan Universe (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/apps/entry/app-diary-dancing-line-escape-hunt-the-lost-temple-splitter-critters-the-ca) |