Title: How to write a screenplay in Scrivener for Mac Post by: HCK on January 17, 2018, 04:05:20 pm How to write a screenplay in Scrivener for Mac
Scrivener can help you turn out a professional-looking movie script with surprising ease. We've discussed how to use Scrivener for short stories or novels. But the program's many templates also include a fairly sturdy screenplay mode. If you've ever wanted to write a movie, Scrivener's automatic formatting and other useful tools can help. It's not quite a replacement for Final Draft, the industry standard — but then, Scrivener doesn't carry Final Draft's $200 price tag either. To create a new screenplay, select the Screenplay template under Scriptwriting when you create a new document, or hit command-8 in a blank document to enter Screenplay Mode. Corkboard: Rise of the index cards Suppose you want to write a gripping cinematic masterpiece about, oh, let's say Dominic Toretto and the Fast & Furious crew battling the Universal Monsters with the power of street racing and FAMILY. Before you begin, you'll want to make sure that your epic's plot has the kind of sturdy, log... Source: How to write a screenplay in Scrivener for Mac (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/zgHC77n9VdQ/scrivener-101-how-call-shots-screenplay-mode) |