Title: News: Apple opens Siri’s ‘Give me the news’ feature to US, UK, Australian users Post by: HCK on January 17, 2018, 04:05:25 pm News: Apple opens Siri’s ‘Give me the news’ feature to US, UK, Australian users
(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/siri_query_IMG_9566.jpg) Even though the HomePod has been delayed, Apple is rolling out Siri’s new “Give me the news” feature to iOS users in the US, UK and Australia, 9to5Mac reports. The update plays a daily news podcast when users ask Siri, “Give me the news,” with the default content coming from NPR in the US, the BBC in the UK and ABC in Australia. Users can switch the podcast by asking Siri to switch to CNN, Fox News or The Washington Post… Source: News: Apple opens Siri’s ‘Give me the news’ feature to US, UK, Australian users (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/apple-opens-siris-give-me-the-news-feature-to-us-uk-australian-users) |