Title: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: Everything you need to know! Post by: HCK on January 23, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: Everything you need to know!
Nintendo brings the Animal Crossing kingdom to mobile with a sweet little camping adventure! If you play Animal Crossing, you've probably always wished you could bring your pals with you on your iPhone or Android device. Well, I've got good news for you. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is just that — caring for you animal friends on the go! In this world, your fluffy friends are camping and it's your job to make sure they have everything they need while enjoying the great outdoors. Here's everything you need to know about Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. What's new with Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp? January 22, 2018: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Winter Sports event is here! On the exact closing day of Rover's Garden Safari event, a new reason to keep camping has arrived. Starting Jan. 21 at midnight ET, players were presented with the latest bit of fun — the Winter Sports event. In this go-around, players collect Snowflakes to craft adorable figure-skating and snowboarding ... Source: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: Everything you need to know! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/coiyKAG-pTk/animal-crossing-pocket-camp-everything-you-need-know) |