Title: DJI's new Mavic Air drone blends features from Mavic Pro and Spark Post by: HCK on January 24, 2018, 04:05:19 pm DJI's new Mavic Air drone blends features from Mavic Pro and Spark
The famed drone company's new model hits the sweet spot between its pro-level and "just for fun" siblings. Drone-maker DJI officially announced today at an event in New York City that it'll be launching an new mid-range hobby drone that expertly spans the gap between its $999 Mavic Pro and $499 Spark models. Called the Mavic Air, the drone is slated to cost $799 and will be released January 28. Like its predecessors, the Mavic Air is foldable and thus super portable, and "delivers higher performance, more intelligent features and greater creative possibilities than any other consumer drone" (according to the company's press release). It's also compact — about half the size and weight of the Mavic Pro — so it can be slipped into a bag or even a pocket with relative ease. Its size and shape make it perfect for explorers who want to capture their adventure at a high-quality level without having to lug around a bigger machine. Imaging-wise, the Mavic Air leans a lit... Source: DJI's new Mavic Air drone blends features from Mavic Pro and Spark (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/WhSrxbJTfXI/dji-mavic-air) |