Title: These iOS apps from Microsoft all support iPhone X Post by: HCK on January 29, 2018, 04:05:20 pm These iOS apps from Microsoft all support iPhone X
Here we list all of the apps from Microsoft that are notch and Face-ID friendly. Apple's shiny new iPhone X has a couple of defining features that require specific support from app developers: The "notch" at the top of the display and Face ID. Updating apps takes time, even for big developers like Microsoft. Right now if you're using the iPhone X, you'll have a mix of apps that look awesome and support the phone properly. Then there are the apps that are letterboxed as if they're on one of the "normal" iPhones. This list doesn't include all of Microsoft apps, and there are some you'll notice missing. But that'll change eventually, and as apps are given support we'll keep this list updated. Below are the apps that currently support iPhone X and their download links for the iOS App Store. OneNote OneDrive Microsoft Flow Microsoft Edge Microsoft Outlook Bing Search Microsoft To-Do Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft Pix Camera Microsoft Sway Microsoft Translator Microsoft Power BI Co... Source: These iOS apps from Microsoft all support iPhone X (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/XyRivTbKHCk/these-ios-apps-microsoft-all-support-iphone-x) |