Title: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp villager list and the materials they give Post by: HCK on February 01, 2018, 04:05:20 pm Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp villager list and the materials they give
Here's a cheat sheet for all of the villagers and the materials they give. Know it. Memorize it. Love it. There are now 61 villagers in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and each one specializes in a particular material. You might receive two or three different types of materials as rewards for completed tasks, but there is one material that each villager is proficient in. Here's a list of every single villager in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, and the main material they give as a reward. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Beginner's Guide Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Tips and Tricks Wood Cool Raddle Static Cute Peanut Lily Chrissy Rosie Bunnie Apple Natural Alfonso Filbert Hamlet Punchy Boots Sporty Hopkins Kid Cat Moe Tad Rustic Marshal Mitzi Goose Ava Hip Francine Bob Cotton Cool Tex Agnes Cute Bitty Maggie Sprinkles Natural Rex Roald Sporty Bud Steel Cool Sandy Phoebe Kyle Roscoe Cherry Cute Carrie Ketchup Bluebear Natural Beau Eloise Fauna Goldie Sporty Butc... Source: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp villager list and the materials they give (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/MiEPoSQQ67s/animal-crossing-pocket-camp-villager-list-and-materials-they-give) |