Title: 256GB iPhone X now costs a staggering $1,699 in India as Apple hikes prices yet again Post by: HCK on February 06, 2018, 04:05:19 pm 256GB iPhone X now costs a staggering $1,699 in India as Apple hikes prices yet again
The Indian government is essentially forcing Apple to set up local manufacturing. Apple cannot catch a break in India. The government increased import duties from 10% to 15% at the end of last year, and with Apple yet to set up a manufacturing facility for most iPhone models in the country, it had to raise prices of its devices. In its 2018 Union budget, the government announced that it is once again increasing import duties, this time to 20%. The doubling of the duties in under two months means Apple is once again hiking the prices of most iPhones models sold in India, with the 256GB iPhone X now retailing for an eye-watering ₹1,08,930, which comes out to an equivalent of $1,699. To put things into context, the first price correction increased the cost of the iPhone X to ₹1,05,720 ($1,649), up ₹5,720 from its launch price of ₹1,02,000 ($1,590). With the latest price hike, the iPhone X is now ₹6,930 ($110) costlier than when it made its debut in the... Source: 256GB iPhone X now costs a staggering $1,699 in India as Apple hikes prices yet again (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/If4H8vXmq18/256gb-iphone-x-now-costs-staggering-1699-india-apple-hikes-prices-yet-again) |