Title: Avoid costly errors with this great deal on a Grammarly one-year subscription Post by: HCK on February 12, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Avoid costly errors with this great deal on a Grammarly one-year subscription
We write so much around these parts that it's easy for a few grammar errors to slip through. Whether you're writing an article for a major website like iMore or a business email to a boss or a colleague, we all want to be sure our writing comes off as professional and clean. But mistakes are bound to happen, and that's why it's handy to have an extra set of eyes looking over your writing. Never make a costly grammar mistake again! Learn more Grammarly is that extra set of eyes for millions of people around the world. It's like your personal editor that scans your writing and corrects all the mistakes in your writing — from a simple typo to complex grammar errors. Grammarly puts spellcheck to shame by catching contextual errors, helping to improve your vocabulary, and suggesting style improvements for your writing. If you feel like your writing could use the Grammarly bump, iMore Digital Offers has a great deal on a one-year subscription to the full suite of Grammarly fea... Source: Avoid costly errors with this great deal on a Grammarly one-year subscription (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/twnpW-Q0NlI/avoid-costly-errors-great-deal-grammarly-one-year-subscription-0) |