Title: How to beat Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon and other Legendary Raids in Pokémon Go Post by: HCK on March 05, 2018, 04:05:19 pm How to beat Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon and other Legendary Raids in Pokémon Go
Legendary Rayquaza Raids continue until March 16, but this weekend you can catch up on your Kyogre and Groudon Raids as well! Pokémon Go Legendary Raids are in full effect. We've already had the Gen 1 Legendary Birds, the Gen 2 Legendary Beasts, their masters, Lugia and Ho-Oh, and now it's all about the Gen 3 Weather Trio, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza. February 23, 2018: Kyogre and Groudon join Rayquaza in Raids until March 5 If you missed out on battling, beating, and catching the Legendary Ground-type, Groudon, or Water-type, Kyogre — two of the best Pokémon in the game — you now have a second chance... for one week only. From Pokémon Go: Now is the time to test your strength! Legendary Pokémon Kyogre and Groudon return to Raid Battles alongside Rayquaza for a limited time. Now is an excellent chance to finally catch all three ancient Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in the Hoenn region! Kyogre, G... Source: How to beat Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon and other Legendary Raids in Pokémon Go (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Yh5eF-TWi-Q/pokemon-go-legendary-raids) |