Title: Best Evernote alternatives for Mac Post by: HCK on March 11, 2018, 04:05:20 pm Best Evernote alternatives for Mac
You're not going to miss Evernote when you switch to OneNote for Mac The note-taking world is teaming with great apps that are similar to Evernote, especially for Mac. If you've been thinking about ending your Evernote subscription to see if the grass is greener with a different service, you're not alone and you have choices. There is no completely identical replacement for Evernote, but there are plenty of apps on Mac that are worthy alternatives. These are the best for different types of users. The best: OneNote Runner-up: Notability For recording notes: AudioNote 2 For Sharing: Notejoy Built-in: Apple Notes The best: OneNote If you are looking for an alternative to Evernote, OneNote is your best option thanks to the wide variety of features, cross-platform compatibility, and cloud syncing. Bottom-line: If you're thinking about ditching Evernote's subscription restrictions, OneNote is the best replacement option. Free with subscription options - Download Now In-depth: Why... Source: Best Evernote alternatives for Mac (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/D8x8oiKoqlM/best-alternatives-evernote-mac) |