Title: Hands-on with Fortnite Battle Royale for iPhone and iPad Post by: HCK on March 18, 2018, 04:05:22 pm Hands-on with Fortnite Battle Royale for iPhone and iPad
Fortnite has come to iOS, and I've had just under 24 hours to get some initial impressions of Epic Games's mobile battle royale. The popularity of Epic Games' Fortnite Battle Royale has grown ever since its release; when the company announced last week that the game would be coming to iOS, we saw tons of extreme excitement across the web. But though I play all sorts of games on iOS and the Switch, Fortnite hadn't been on my radar until I heard about Epic's mobile version: This port is was my first venture into Fortnight's insane 100-man combat arena. It's been just under 24 hours since I received Fortnite on my iPhone, and while I don't feel comfortable giving a complete review of the game just yet — especially since all the features aren't live — here are some initial impressions. An absolutely amazing port As I mentioned before, while I haven't played Fortnite's Battle Royale mode on a console, I've watched numerous streamers and YouTubers play the game... Source: Hands-on with Fortnite Battle Royale for iPhone and iPad (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/omc591cPJkQ/hands-fortnite-battle-royale-ios) |