Title: Pokémon Go updates: What's new and what's next for March 2018 Post by: HCK on March 19, 2018, 04:05:20 pm Pokémon Go updates: What's new and what's next for March 2018
Based on a teardown of the latest Pokémon Go for Android APK, it looks like 8 patterns of Spinda, 4 types of Weather Ball, more Quest setup, and the potential for PokéStop submissions may be coming our way soon! Pokémon Go launched in the summer of 2016 and has been updated regularly ever since. In 2017 we've gotten Gen 2, Raid Battles, the new Gyms, the first two generations of Legendary Pokémon and the beginning of Gen 3. What does that mean for 2018? Player vs. Player (PvP), Gen 4, Trading? Here are all the latest Pokémon Go updates! March 17, 2018: 8 patterns of Spinda, 5 kinds of Weather Ball, and PokéStop submission! The Silph Road has torn into the latest Pokémon Go update, and here's what they've found: A whole new species has been discovered in the APK this round: Spinda! [..] An exciting clue has appeared in the metadata that points to a special handling of the panda-mon: 8 variants have been added to the species ... Source: Pokémon Go updates: What's new and what's next for March 2018 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/-vRlnk9ujqk/pokemon-go-updates) |