Title: Mac: Satechi Aluminum Type-C Multimedia Adapter Post by: HCK on March 23, 2018, 04:05:23 pm Mac: Satechi Aluminum Type-C Multimedia Adapter
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/mac/satechi/aluminum-typc-c-multimedia-adapter/3.jpg)" /> Let’s face it, as nice as it sounds in theory when we look at Apple’s newest MacBooks, most of us are just not quite ready yet for a USB-C-only world. Fortunately, Satechi has us covered; the company makes some of the nicest USB-C hubs we’ve seen for Mac users, matching the design aesthetic of modern MacBooks perfectly. Satech’s latest offering is its Aluminum Type-C Multimedia Adapter, which provides two card slots and a total of seven ports — including USB-C Power Delivery output — that should give most MacBook users just about everything they need. Source: Mac: Satechi Aluminum Type-C Multimedia Adapter (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/mac/comments/satechi-aluminum-type-c-multimedia-adapter) |