Title: Best free Cardboard VR apps for iPhone Post by: HCK on March 31, 2018, 04:05:20 pm Best free Cardboard VR apps for iPhone
While you can't access Daydream games on your iPhone, the world of Cardboard is open to you. The glorious thing about Google Cardboard, is that you don't need to use an Android phone in order to access them. All you need is a phone, along with a headset, and you'll be good to go. While there are a ton of Cardboard apps available in the App Store, not all of them are created equally. We've got the best Cardboard apps for you to try out on your iPhone. vTime InCell VR Google Street View Noir VR Fractal Combat X vTime During the winter being social with your friends can be especially difficult if you live in a cold climate. That's where vTime shows up to make sure you don't turn into a hermit even if the weather is so cold you couldn't be dragged out to a party. It is a fully social app that is here to help you make new friends, or hang out with your existing ones while in VR. You'll create an avatar, find a room, and then spend some time getting human contact — all witho... Source: Best free Cardboard VR apps for iPhone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/ik0P5WPCWtc/best-free-cardboard-vr-apps-iphone) |