Title: iPhone 8 color: Should you get silver, gold, space gray, or (Product)RED? Post by: HCK on April 10, 2018, 04:05:21 pm iPhone 8 color: Should you get silver, gold, space gray, or (Product)RED?
Silver, gold, space gray or new PRODUCT(RED) — here's how to pick the perfect iPhone 8 color for you! Color is how we express our style and flare. It's one of the most visually distinctive and personal things about a new iPhone, which makes it one of the most important choices you'll have to make. The original iPhone only came in aluminum and black, but now Apple offers iPhone 8 in silver, gold (a new, blushing copper gold), space gray, and PRODUCT(RED). If you're not sure which color is right for you, here's what you should consider! Distraction dangers Discoloration doubts Withstanding wear Slick vs. stick Cases closed Coolness concerns Who should get the (Product) RED? Who should get silver? Who should get gold? How to sell your old iPhone See iPhone at Apple Distraction dangers The space gray and PRODUCT(RED) iPhones 8 have black faceplates. That means, when the display is off, dark, or filled with full-screen content like videos or games, the border fades away and... Source: iPhone 8 color: Should you get silver, gold, space gray, or (Product)RED? (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/-QXwl78xE7Y/iphone-8-colors) |