Title: Pokémon Go: Complete list of Shiny Pokémon as of April 2018 Post by: HCK on April 17, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Pokémon Go: Complete list of Shiny Pokémon as of April 2018
How do you catch Shiny versions of Lugia, Magikarp, Gyarados, Pikachu, Dragonite, Venusaur, Ampharos and more in Pokémon Go? Here's your guide! First introduced as part of the Water Festival Event, with Magikarp and Gyarados, Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go have grown to include the Pikachu family, and now the Gen 3 Ghosts and select Raid Bosses, among others. Here's the complete list of shiny Pokémon as of right now, and how you can catch 'em all! Which Shiny Pokémon are currently available in Pokémon Go? As of April 2018: Shiny Magikarp Shiny Gyarados Shiny Pichu Shiny Pikachu Shiny Raichu Shiny Sableye Shiny Shuppet Shiny Banette Shiny Duskull Shiny Dusklops Shiny Mawile (Raid only) Shiny Absol (Raid only) Shiny Snorunt Shiny Glalie Shiny Aron Shiny Lairon Shiny Aggron Shiny Swablu Shiny Altaria Shiny Luvdisc Shiny Poochyena Shiny Mightyena Shiny Dratini Shiny Dragonair Shiny Dragonite Shiny Lugia (Raid only) Shiny Magby (Egg only) Shi... Source: Pokémon Go: Complete list of Shiny Pokémon as of April 2018 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/e6n1lEoWdcI/pokemon-go-shiny) |