Title: You can now play holochess in Star Wars: Jedi Challenges without the expensive AR headset Post by: HCK on April 20, 2018, 04:05:23 pm You can now play holochess in Star Wars: Jedi Challenges without the expensive AR headset
Play a game of holochess right on your iPhone in augmented reality right now and you won't even have to let the Wookie win. Last year, Lenovo launched an AR headset that, in collaboration with Disney's AR game Star Wars: Jedi Challenges created an interactive experience that fans have always dreamed of. Now, you can experience a small part of that fun by playing a game of Dejarik (AKA: holochess) on your iPhone, no AR headset required. Free - Download now You can play the full 18-level game, accessing all six planets and unlocking all eight playable creatures. Star Wars™: Jedi Challenges adds ARKit compatibility with this update. Users with an Apple device running iOS 11 can now experience the magic of augmented reality directly from their mobile device. Access the full Holochess game mode from Star Wars: Jedi Challenges including 18 levels across 6 planets and 8 unlockable creatures with unique special abilities. You start the game training with the computer assistant... Source: You can now play holochess in Star Wars: Jedi Challenges without the expensive AR headset (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/mDb3RXcfpsg/you-can-now-play-holochess-star-wars-jedi-challenges-without-expensive-ar-headset) |