Title: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: How to get the three new campers from Gulliver's Cargo Ship (and a few more tricks) Post by: HCK on April 20, 2018, 04:05:23 pm Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: How to get the three new campers from Gulliver's Cargo Ship (and a few more tricks)
Gulliver will trade you furniture or clothing for snacks. If he really likes you, he'll bring back a friend to join your campground. Gulliver's Cargo Ship brings special snacks that you can give to your campers to increase their friendship points. The feature can leave you feeling confused and frustrated if you don't know the trick. Thanks to some detailed datamining and statistics research from a few dedicated players, you've got a better chance of getting what you want with the right trade, even the three new visitors that Gulliver brings back from his travels. How trading works with Gulliver's Cargo Ship How to get the three new animal campers from a trade with Gulliver How to get specifically themed snacks from a trade with Gulliver How to get a lot of snacks from a trade with Gulliver How trading works with Gulliver's Cargo Ship You may have noticed when trading with Gulliver that some items are tagged as "great," "good," or not tagged at all. They're rated by how much Gulliv... Source: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: How to get the three new campers from Gulliver's Cargo Ship (and a few more tricks) (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/X3UlEWvgi00/animal-crossing-pocket-camp-how-get-three-new-campers-gullivers-cargo-ship-and-few-more-tricks) |