Title: Best Photo Editing Apps for Mac in 2018 Post by: HCK on May 25, 2018, 04:05:23 pm Best Photo Editing Apps for Mac in 2018
Photo editing on a Mac is full of wonderful possibilities — much more than what you can do on mobile devices. Photo editing has become a big deal on iPhone and iPad because that's where we tend to take and share our snapshots these days. But many of us still keep our main libraries on our Macs. Because of its faster processors, larger storage, and all-around bigger computing power, the Mac is still the best device for serious photo editing. The built-in Photos app on Mac offers several useful photo editing tools. You can crop, adjust lighting and color, set the white balance, add filters, remove unwanted blemishes, and a few more things. It's really not meant to be a robust editing app, though. So If you are looking for something to really finish your photos right, we've got a list of the best photo editors for Mac. Affinity Photo Fotor Photo Editor Lightroom Pixelmator GIMP Snapheal Preview Affinity Photo There's no end to the possibilities available with Affinity Phot... Source: Best Photo Editing Apps for Mac in 2018 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/SgABa8NiSpw/best-photo-editing-apps-mac) |