Title: Animoji and Memoji: Everything you need to know Post by: HCK on June 05, 2018, 04:05:23 pm Animoji and Memoji: Everything you need to know
Last year Animoji was announced (and people fell in love), but this year there's a new 'moji in town: and it's called Memoji! Animoji has been a popular way to send messages, mess around, and express yourself in general using your iPhone X, but what's the fun in just being a boring ol' robot or unicorn? With WWDC 2018 wrapping up, amongst the new security features and tvOS updates is a gem: and that gem is Memoji. Memoji let's you create an Animoji-type avatar that looks exactly like you. Think of it like Bitmoji meets Mii! “YOU GET A MEMOJI! AND YOU GET A MEMOJI! EVERYBODY GETS A MEMOJI!” #WWDC18 pic.twitter.com/i6tZt2swqe— ᶰᵒᵗ Jony Ive (@JonyIveParody) June 4, 2018 What's the difference between Memoji and Animoji? Animoji uses 3D emoji that map your face, allowing you to project your voice though an animated robot, alien, unicorn, or monkey that in turn opens its mouth, smiles, and moves when you do. Memoji lets users create 3D avatars of... Source: Animoji and Memoji: Everything you need to know (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/lsgVlFKFbSU/animoji-and-memoji-everything-you-need-know) |