Title: WWDC 2018 Aftermath: The year of FINALLY! Post by: HCK on June 08, 2018, 04:05:17 pm WWDC 2018 Aftermath: The year of FINALLY!
Finally! That's what I found myself almost yelling out — over and over again during WWDC 2018. It was one of those years where it felt like Apple worked its way down my wishlist, crossing things off one after the other. Better third-party Siri integration. Finally. CarPlay with Google Maps and Waze. Finally. Grouped Notifications. Finally. App limits for kids. Finally. Group FaceTime. Finally. Activity Challenges. Finally WebKit views on Watch. Finally. Podcast app and background audio for Watch. Finally. Dolby Atmos for Apple TV. Finally. Dark mode for Mac. Finally. Screen recording integrated with screenshots. Finally. News, Stocks, Voice Memos, and Home for Mac. Finally. Mac App Store redesign. Finally. It was the biggest finally fest since... I don't know... iOS 4? But beyond the finally, there was a lot that I though was just fantastic. 1. Performance It started with iOS and performance. For years, Apple has been accused of either overloading older devices to force ... Source: WWDC 2018 Aftermath: The year of FINALLY! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Hix8sM1epOU/wwdc-2018-finally) |