Title: Pokémon Go Community Day Guide for June 2018 Post by: HCK on June 18, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Pokémon Go Community Day Guide for June 2018
Pokémon Go's sixth monthly Community Day kicks off on June 16, 2018, at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET with... Larvitar! Pokémon Go Community Days are exactly what the name implies — a way to get trainers out catching and raiding together. As an incentive, Pokémon Go is throwing in bonuses like extra XP, Stardust, faster egg hatching, lure modules that last three hours, and a special Pokémon with an exclusive move. All once a month, for three hours. Here's how it works! When are the upcoming Pokémon Go Community Days? Pokémon Go has released the following schedule for future Community Day dates: June 16, 2018 July 8, 2018 What's the June 16, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day? Larvitar, the Gen 2 baby-zilla that evolves into Tyranitar, one of the most powerful and meta-defining Pokémon in the game! The bonuses are the usual 3-hour Lures, as well as 3x XP for catches. And the special move...? According to t... Source: Pokémon Go Community Day Guide for June 2018 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/TQrzIqwpBKg/pokemon-go-community-day) |