Title: Amazon FreeTime Unlimited for iOS: Everything you need to know! Post by: HCK on June 25, 2018, 04:05:22 pm Amazon FreeTime Unlimited for iOS: Everything you need to know!
Today, Amazon's popular kid-focused entertainment app officially rolls out to iOS devices. Learn everything you need to know about it here! Looking for some fun, age-appropriate activities to educate and entertain your child during their screen time? You may want to consider Amazon's kid-centric multimedia app, FreeTime Unlimited. After many years of being available on Kindle and Android, it's finally available for iOS, and it's chock full of readables and watchables chosen specifically for little ones. Not in the lame way, either: it's basically a virtual treehouse with a sign hanging on it that says "NO BORING GROWN-UP STUFF ALLOWED." What's new with FreeTime Unlimited? Check back here for the latest updates in FreeTime Unlimited news. What is Amazon FreeTime Unlimited? Amazon FreeTime Unlimited is an ad-free, all-in-one subscription service designed specifically for kids that offers unlimited access to approximately 10,000 kids' books, movies, and TV shows for children betwee... Source: Amazon FreeTime Unlimited for iOS: Everything you need to know! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/3iUoPMwAQX4/amazon-freetime-unlimited-ios-everything-you-need-know) |