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Macintosh News => iPhone/iPod/iPad News => Topic started by: HCK on July 12, 2018, 04:05:25 pm

Title: News: Apple faces patent lawsuit over ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving’ feature
Post by: HCK on July 12, 2018, 04:05:25 pm
News: Apple faces patent lawsuit over ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving’ feature

<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/dnd-while-driving.jpg)" />

               Apple is being sued for patent infringement for its “Do Not Disturb While Driving” feature that was introduced in iOS 11 last fall, according to a report by Patently Apple. A company by the name of SMTT Technology has filed a formal complaint in the California Northern District Court in San Francisco, alleging that Apple infringes upon a patent that it acquired from inventor Nick Bovis titled “Mobile device inactive mode and inactive…

Source: News: Apple faces patent lawsuit over ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving’ feature (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/apple-faces-patent-lawsuit-over-do-not-disturb-while-driving-feature)