Title: The Amazon-exclusive Super NES Edition of the New Nintendo 3DS XL is $50 off today Post by: HCK on July 17, 2018, 04:05:26 pm The Amazon-exclusive Super NES Edition of the New Nintendo 3DS XL is $50 off today
Get in on the first ever sale for this nostalgia-inducing console. Amazon has the New Nintendo 3DS XL - Super NES Edition discounted by $50 for a limited time. This version of the console is exclusive to Amazon, while this deal is exclusive to Prime members as part of Prime Day. If you're not yet a member, you can still get in on this and the rest of the Prime Day offers by starting a free 30-day trial. This handheld console can play all Nintendo DS games along with Nintendo 3DS games. You'll need to pick up an AC adapter separately with this purchase however. Though this console can play games in 3D, you can turn that mode off with a switch. You'll also receive a Super Mario Kart download code. See at Amazon ... Source: The Amazon-exclusive Super NES Edition of the New Nintendo 3DS XL is $50 off today (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/l5cLackGMZ8/thrifter-deal-amazon-super-nes-edition-new-nintendo-3ds-xl) |