Title: Animoji and Memoji: The Ultimate Guide Post by: HCK on July 21, 2018, 04:06:19 pm Animoji and Memoji: The Ultimate Guide
How do you get started with it all? With this guide! Animoiji is Apple's iPhone X-only animated emoji feature for Messages that allows you to send a funny fox, snarky chicken, or singing panda to any of your contacts. Your facial features, creativity, and the (currently set to) 10-second timer are your only limits. Recently Apple has introduced Memoji as well, which is the same thing but instead of a cute and cuddly unicorn or high-powered robot, you create an avatar that looks just like you. Memoji lets users create 3D avatars of themselves that you can use in a similar way to Animoji. The only difference is that your 3D buddy on screen looks like you! (Animoji and Memoji: Everything you need to know) How to create and send Animoji and Memoji You can create and send Animoji and Memoji from right inside the iPhone X Messages apps. The feature is integrated into iMessage apps and accessible from the App button. Just tap it, choose your Animoji avatar, record, and send. Ho... Source: Animoji and Memoji: The Ultimate Guide (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Q6-IsKODgSI/animoji) |