Title: Best Family Charging Stations for iPhone and iPad Post by: HCK on July 21, 2018, 04:06:19 pm Best Family Charging Stations for iPhone and iPad
Seems like everyone, their brother, and even their dog have a phone these days. These stations can help keep them all charged. If you live in a household with a family of three, four, or more, and you have kids who are at the smartphone stage, then keeping them all charged up all the time can be a bit of a pain. Smaller wall chargers go missing, the cat chews the cables, and kids can just outright forget (a lot of good a dead phone is in an emergency!). These family charging stations can help you charge multiple devices at once, all in one spot. Anker PowerPort 4 Vogek 6-port charging station RAVPower desktop charging station Simicore charging dock iClever BoostStrip SIIG 10-port charging station Anker PowerPort 4 Anker makes some of the finest charging products you can buy, from cables to wireless charging pads to charging stations. The PowerPort 4 has four USB ports and simply plugs into any AC wall outlet (it also accepts an adapter for traveling abroad), and it can supply u... Source: Best Family Charging Stations for iPhone and iPad (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/BpE7_N5IkDc/best-family-charging-stations-iphone-and-ipad) |