Title: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: How to get everything in Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt #3 Post by: HCK on July 23, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: How to get everything in Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt #3
Craft jiggly furniture with sparkle jelly Gyroidite nuggets! The third Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Gyroidite Event has begun. Your summer fun starts with a big bowl of jelly! With all the sparkle jelly furniture in your Campsite, no one is going to want to leave. It runs from July 19 - 30. You've only got 10 days to craft all of the sparkle jelly furniture before it's over. Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt #2 is on now! This time you'll be hunting wedding gyroidite! Gather the cute little wedding gyroidite nuggets that are scattered around the map. Once you have collected enough gyroidite, you can use them to craft wedding-party items! This event is a simple one. There are no friends to visit, now flowers to grow, no need to get crafting items from visiting animals. All you have to do is gather sparkle jelly gyroidite, which are scattered around the campground, and use them to craft a very limited amount of clothing. The key is finding as many gyroidite as you can within the ... Source: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp: How to get everything in Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt #3 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/mRy1wFj8DDY/animal-crossing-pocket-camp-how-get-everything-gyroidite-scavenger-hunt) |