Title: iam8bit releases soundtrack to Old Man's Journey on Vinyl! Post by: HCK on August 11, 2018, 04:05:19 pm iam8bit releases soundtrack to Old Man's Journey on Vinyl!
The fantastic 2017 mobile game, Old Man's Journey, is getting the vinyl treatment! Last year, the tragically beautiful indie mobile game, Old Man's Journey, came bursting onto the App Store and quickly garnered praise from players and critics alike for its storytelling and amazing visual design. Today, iam8bit and Broken Rules have announced that the limited edition Old Man's Journey Vinyl Soundtrack will be coming later this year! Read: Old Man's Journey: Everything you need to know! The game won the 2017 Apple Design Award, and now you can order the cute, whimsical, and moving music that is featured in the game! "Featuring music by composer SCNTFC (Oxenfree), the Old Man's Journey soundtrack spans across two 10" vinyl records packaged in a jacket designed by artist Arno Kiss that mimics a nautical captain's book and is elegantly cloth-wrapped. The package will also include a digital download code and Old Man's Journey postcards." There will only be a 1000 copies mad of th... Source: iam8bit releases soundtrack to Old Man's Journey on Vinyl! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/BqxKm0yBGE8/iam8bit-releases-soundtrack-old-mans-journey-vinyl) |