Title: Twelve South's PowerPic Wireless Charger is both Decorative and functional Post by: HCK on November 08, 2018, 04:05:20 pm Twelve South's PowerPic Wireless Charger is both Decorative and functional
Instead of making your tech and accessories stand out in your home decor, Twelve South designed a wireless charging pad that blends in perfectly. The PowerPic Wireless Charger is a 10-watt Qi-supported wireless charging pad hidden inside ... a picture frame. What a great idea! It sits on your desktop, shelf, nightstand, or wherever, and looks unassumingly like a simple picture frame. When you rest your wireless charging supported iPhone on it, it turns into a functional charging pad. PowerPic Wireless Charger Price: $80 Bottom line: Combine your tech needs and your living aesthetic with a fast charger that works well and looks right at home. See at Twelve South The Good Blends with home decor Fast-charging for iPhone Standard 5 X 7 frame Foreign object detection The Bad The base is a bit big (for a picture frame) Invisibly functio... Source: Twelve South's PowerPic Wireless Charger is both Decorative and functional (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/6sTCDLKTegM/twelve-south-powerpic-wireless-charger-review-decorative-and-functional-one) |