Title: Satechi's new USB-C Mobile Pro Hub will work with the new iPad Pro Post by: HCK on November 10, 2018, 04:05:19 pm Satechi's new USB-C Mobile Pro Hub will work with the new iPad Pro
Satechi already makes several USB-C hubs and adapters for Apple products like the MacBook Pro, including adapters that sit flush against the side. Well, now the company has announced a new Aluminum USB-C Mobile Pro Hub designed to be compatible with the recently announced iPad Pro, which replaces the regular Lightning port with a USB-C port. You can pre-order the device for $44.99 through the Satechi website in two different colors (silver and space gray). When it finally releases on Dec. 24, the hub's price will jump up to $59.99. While the new iPad Pro does have that USB-C port, it won't immediately be compatible with all USB-C devices. That's why it's great to know out the gate that this adapter will work. Not only that, but it allows you to unlock a lot of functionality using that port that previous iPad tablets never had. The four new expansion ports include 4K HDMI, another USB-C port with Power Delivery, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and an extra USB 3.0 port. The USB-C port can b... Source: Satechi's new USB-C Mobile Pro Hub will work with the new iPad Pro (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Vr7FjwigU4Y/satechis-45-usb-c-mobile-pro-hub-will-work-new-ipad-pro) |