Title: Mac: Twelve South Journal CaddySack Post by: HCK on November 14, 2018, 04:05:26 pm Mac: Twelve South Journal CaddySack
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/mac/twelvesouth/journal-caddysack-1.jpg)" /> Last year, Twelve South added to its venerable BookBook product family with BookBook CaddySack, providing an elegant way for users to store and carry all of their MacBook essentials — an especially handy accessory in the new era of USB-C dongles. Now, to accompany its new Journal for MacBook, Twelve South has also released Journal Caddysack, providing the same convenient storage for a MacBook power adapter and other miscellaneous cables, in a luxurious, New Zealand full-grain leather package. Inside the folio case you’ll find a collection of elastic bands, Velcro straps, and a pocket so you can neatly hold a variety of accessories and have them ready at your fingertips, rather than tangled up inside your messenger bag or backpack. Source: Mac: Twelve South Journal CaddySack (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/mac/comments/twelve-south-journal-caddysack) |