Title: Apple's long-awaited official iPhone XR clear case is now available for $39 Post by: HCK on December 06, 2018, 04:05:24 pm Apple's long-awaited official iPhone XR clear case is now available for $39
The long regional nightmare is over. It has arrived! After being rumored and then tucked away in a press release but never surfacing, the official iPhone XR clear case has finally made its way to the Apple site for your purchasing pleasure. You can purchase this $39 case for delivery with estimates showing as fast as December 7, or for in-store pickup starting next week. This marks the first official iPhone XR case from Apple, which is a bit surprising given how many cases are available for each other model. It's crafted using a blend of flexible TPU materials and a clear polycarbonate to provide protection without hiding the beauty of your device. Apple has added a scratch-resistant coating to the exterior and interior of the case, which is something that most case makers just don't do. Often times, clear cases end up yellowing and scratching quite easily, and Apple is hoping to avoid both of those issues, but it comes at a bit of a price. At $39, it's definitely more expensive th... Source: Apple's long-awaited official iPhone XR clear case is now available for $39 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/RpMnStNJqXg/apple-iphone-xr-clear-case) |