Title: Ring in the new year with a little help from your iPhone Post by: HCK on January 01, 2019, 04:05:27 pm Ring in the new year with a little help from your iPhone
Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new. As another year comes to a close, we start to ponder on what the upcoming year will bring. We have hope that things will be better or trust that things won't change. We set new resolutions that we're determined to keep and reflect on what came before us. Before the new year begins, we all celebrate the end of the old one. To make your New Year's Eve its most joyous, check out these apps to help ring in the new year. New Year's Eve Counter Ham Horn Jackbox Party Pack Halide Streaks New Year's Eve Counter It's getting closer and closer to the countdown, you've gathered with your friends and family, and you're ready to toast the new year. Sure, you could stare at the clock, like an animal, or you could let the New Year's Eve Counter help you celebrate. Once the timer strikes zero, you can also send festive iMessage stickers to friends and family that couldn't be with you this year. There's even a Lock screen widget, so you can keep tr... Source: Ring in the new year with a little help from your iPhone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/vb-_qujpMTo/best-new-years-eve-apps) |