Title: The Apple HomePod is back down to Black Friday pricing with $100 off Post by: HCK on January 05, 2019, 04:05:19 pm The Apple HomePod is back down to Black Friday pricing with $100 off
This price won't last forever. Best Buy has the Apple HomePod smart speaker for $249.99 in Space Gray and White. That's $100 off what it goes for at other retailers like B&H and Target and a match for the best deal we saw during last year's holiday season. If you're invested in the Apple ecosystem, this is the speaker to have. You can use Siri to control various smart home gadgets, listen to music, and so much more. Our review goes into a lot more detail, too. We said: It absolutely nails exactly what Apple set out to deliver: a speaker that can be placed almost anywhere in the home, is simple to set up, and sounds incredible no matter where it's placed You may have read about the HomePod leaving rings on certain pieces of furniture, so if you want to avoid that you can grab this wall mount for it. Best Buy is offering free shipping on the speaker, or you can pick it up in store for free. Odds are, at this price these won't stick around for too long, so be sure to grab on... Source: The Apple HomePod is back down to Black Friday pricing with $100 off (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/O6pg28_aiLU/thrifter-deal-apple-homepod-back-down-black-friday-pricing-100) |