Title: What's new on Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and Hulu this February Post by: HCK on January 24, 2019, 04:05:20 pm What's new on Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and Hulu this February
"Kevin Hart's Black History" hits Netflix this February. (Image credit: Netflix) The shortest month of the year is long on awesome original shows. February is nearly upon us, and that means we've got the lowdown on the latest to come from the big-three streaming services — Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and Hulu. Amazon Prime Video is bringing us (among many other things) White Dragon, an original series that follows a London professor who's trying to decipher the clues of his wife's death. The problem is that the answers might even be worse. Netflix brings Kevin Hart's Black History a (believe it or not) a kid-friendly look at some of the lesser-known figures in African-American history. And on Hulu, look forward to Into The Dark: Down. Because getting trapped in an elevator over the Valentine's Day weekend can turn downright horrific. What's new on Amazon Prime VideoWhat's new on NetflixWhat's new on Hulu And if sports is more your thing, be sure to check out what's n... Source: What's new on Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and Hulu this February (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/tRVDE-Hd97U/whats-new-amazon-prime-video-netflix-and-hulu-february) |