Title: IMStick is a fun way to mount your iPhone: Kickstarter preview Post by: HCK on February 20, 2019, 04:05:19 pm IMStick is a fun way to mount your iPhone: Kickstarter preview
It's like Plastic Man is holding your phone for you. IMStick is a small magnetic disc with long, rubber-coated wire sticks attached to it. It doesn't seem like much, but it's surprisingly versatile and really strong. I was able to get my hands on one at CES 2019 and fell in love with it. $21 at Kickstarter The IMStick uses eight neodymium magnets to lock your phone to its base. Of course, you'll need a metal plate to attach it to, which does come with the IMStick. It also has a threaded hole that is the same size as standard tripod mounts and bike mounts, so you can use it for your BMX YouTube channel. I don't normally write about Kickstarter campaigns, mainly because you never know if you're going to get what you paid for (I've been burned a few times). But, I just love my IMStick so much that I wanted to share my joy with you. I use it a lot to hide the mount while I take pictures of my iPhone in various positions. It's incredibly versatile. Thanks to the flexible wire arms... Source: IMStick is a fun way to mount your iPhone: Kickstarter preview (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/9p9CmymtQcQ/imstick-fun-way-mount-your-iphone-kickstarter-preview) |