Title: Hey Siri. Play my podcasts - Here's how to connect Siri to the Podcasts app Post by: HCK on February 23, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Hey Siri. Play my podcasts - Here's how to connect Siri to the Podcasts app
How do you use Siri with the Podcasts app? Simply talk and listen! With Siri for iPhone and iPad, you can search for podcasts, play and pause them, and even jump forward, backward, slow down the talking, or speed it up. All with just the power of your voice! How to play/pause a podcast with Siri and Podcasts for iPhone and iPad How to search podcasts with Siri for iPhone and iPad How to use playback controls with Siri for iPhone and iPad How to play/pause a podcast with Siri and Podcasts for iPhone and iPad Press and hold the Home button on older devices, or Side button with iPhone X series, or say "Hey, Siri" to activate Siri. Says something like Play my podcasts. Or, if you want to play a specific podcast, say something like Play the iMore Show podcast. Say pause or stop to pause the podcast. Siri can't help you play specific podcast episodes yet. How to search podcasts with Siri for iPhone and iPad Siri can help you search for podcasts in the Podcast app, though she i... Source: Hey Siri. Play my podcasts - Here's how to connect Siri to the Podcasts app (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/QTMq6i-Kmng/how-use-podcasts-siri-iphone-and-ipad) |