Title: Cloudflare's Warp is a new, free, VPN service for your smartphone Post by: HCK on April 02, 2019, 04:05:18 pm Cloudflare's Warp is a new, free, VPN service for your smartphone
Faster and safer. And free. Cloudflare's app (4 1s... April 1st... get it?) is getting an update that will hopefully make your mobile internet browsing faster and more private at the same time. Originally the app was a DNS resolver, which in practical terms means it helped speed up the connection between your device and the internet. The app first released on mobile Nov. 11 (11/11... 4 1s... again) and has since been downloaded by millions of users on both iOS and Android. Today's update adds the Warp performance and security technology in addition to the original DNS resolver. Warp is a VPN, or virtual private network, but it doesn't act exactly the same way you'd expect a VPN to act. For example, many of the best VPNs have a ton of practical uses, and one of them is using the VPN to convince the internet you're accessing it from a different place than you actually are. That's not something Warp does. Instead, Warp takes all the traffic coming onto your phone from your web... Source: Cloudflare's Warp is a new, free, VPN service for your smartphone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/PrTYSX_cAdA/cloudflares-warp-new-free-vpn-service-your-smartphone) |