Title: Caliban Below AR is now available on iOS! Post by: HCK on April 02, 2019, 04:05:18 pm Caliban Below AR is now available on iOS!
Blackthorn Media releases Caliban Below on iOS Caliban Below is an amazing interactive short story that can now be experienced in AR (augmented reality) on your iPad and iPhone. Just like its VR counterparts, the iOS version, amazingly, is completely free. The game is set in the same world as "The Abbot's Book" from Blackthorn Media, also a free VR-based short story currently not playable on macOS nor in AR on iOS but we certainly hope Blackthorn Media releases all of the episodes in both VR and AR for both macOS and iOS. About the game The transition to AR Final comments About the game Storytelling in VR is very effective. It feels like you've been transported into a new place and time. How does this type of storytelling translate into AR on a simple iPad or iPhone view screen? Surprisingly well! As far as Caliban Below is concerned, the sense of presence is enhanced by a wonderfully detailed backstory based on the imaginative writing from author Michael Galen Conelly. As per B... Source: Caliban Below AR is now available on iOS! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/LVpx_zdLbrg/caliban-below-ar-now-available-ios) |