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Macintosh News => iPhone/iPod/iPad News => Topic started by: HCK on April 14, 2019, 04:05:26 pm

Title: Google’s Wing Is Launching a Public Drone for Delivery Service in Australia
Post by: HCK on April 14, 2019, 04:05:26 pm
Google’s Wing Is Launching a Public Drone for Delivery Service in Australia

<img width="1224" height="808" src="https://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Google-Wing.png" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Google Wing" style="float:left; margin:0 15px 15px 0;" srcset="https://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Google-Wing.png 1224w, https://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Google-Wing-300x198.png 300w, https://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Google-Wing-768x507.png 768w, https://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Google-Wing-1024x676.png 1024w, https://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Google-Wing-750x495.png 750w, https://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Google-Wing-1140x753.png 1140w" sizes="(max-width: 1224px) 100vw, 1224px" />Recently, Australian aviation authority granted the permission of first public drone delivery service to Wing, a company owned by Google. Now, what actually is a public drone delivery service? It’s the innovation in the traditional delivery procedure. Previously, a delivery person used to come to your doorstep in case you wanted anything without going out.

Source: Google’s Wing Is Launching a Public Drone for Delivery Service in Australia (https://www.ilounge.com/news/technology/googles-wing-is-launching-a-public-drone-for-delivery-service-in-australia)