Title: New co-op raids, legendaries, and Pokémon announced for Sword and Shield Post by: HCK on June 07, 2019, 04:05:23 pm New co-op raids, legendaries, and Pokémon announced for Sword and Shield
Become the champion of the Galar region with a new team of Pokémon. It's been a long time coming and us Pokémon fans have been rewarded for our patience (or lack thereof) with our first glimpse at Generation 8! Try to contain your excitement, because it looks like what we've all been wanting. Go for attack Pokémon Sword $60 at Amazon The latest Pokémon adventure Pokémon Sword is one of the two latest Pokémon adventures. It takes place in the Galar region, which is inspired by the UK, and features three new starters and brings back gym battles. Older Pokémon seem to make an appearance as well, so you'll see some of your favorites. Go for a strong defense Pokémon Shield $60 at Amazon The latest Pokémon adventure Pokémon Shield is one of the two latest Pokémon adventures. It takes place in the Galar region, which is inspired by the UK, and features three new starters and brings back gym battles. ... Source: New co-op raids, legendaries, and Pokémon announced for Sword and Shield (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Q5v2P-1kcGg/pokemon-sword-and-shield) |