Title: Apple News launches guide ahead of upcoming Democratic candidate debates Post by: HCK on June 27, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Apple News launches guide ahead of upcoming Democratic candidate debates
What you need to know Apple News is launching a Democratic candidate guide ahead of upcoming debates. The guide will feature relevant information such as biography, experienice and position on relevant issues. Each of the candidate's guide will continue to update throughout the primary compaign. The guide will update with articles and video highlights from the debate. Apple today announced that it is introducing a new candidate guide in Apple News. The new section will give readers a comprehensive breakdown of each of the candidates participating in the Democratic debates such as a biography, experience, current positions on ongoing issues and more. The Democratic debates will be hosted by NBC News, MSNBC and Telemundo in Miami, Florida on June 26 and 27. Apple News will find relevant information on each candidate using verified sources such as ABC News, Axios, CNN, Fox News, NBC News and more. The Apple News candidate guide will be featured in the Top Stories section on June ... Source: Apple News launches guide ahead of upcoming Democratic candidate debates (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/iyAIYHkuYBs/apple-news-launches-guide-ahead-upcoming-democratic-candidate-debates) |